
Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Election integrity

Have Confidence in Our Elections

As sheriff following are some key ways Brandon will contribute to ensuring fair and secure elections:
1.  Collaborate with election officials: Brandon will work closely with local election officials to understand their needs and provide support as necessary. This collaboration can lead to improved communication and coordination between law enforcement and election authorities.
2.  Investigate election fraud and irregularities: If there are reports of election fraud or other irregularities, Brandon will launch an investigation to determine the facts and take appropriate action. This may include working with prosecutors to pursue charges against individuals who have committed election-related crimes.
3.  Provide security at polling places: Brandon will ensure that polling places are secure by providing a visible law enforcement presence on election day wherever possible. This can help deter potential acts of violence, intimidation, or voter fraud.
4.  Assist with training and awareness: Brandon will work with election officials to provide training and resources to poll workers and other election volunteers. This can help ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities and can identify potential issues or irregularities that may arise during the voting process.
5.  Advocate for election security measures: Brandon will use his position as an elected official to advocate for policies and practices that enhance election security and integrity. This may include supporting the use of secure voting machines, voter ID laws, and other measures designed to protect the integrity of the electoral process.
By working with election officials, local communities, and other stakeholders, Brandon will play a crucial role in maintaining election integrity and ensuring that every vote counts.

School safety

Make Our Schools Safe

Brandon will improve school safety by implementing the following measures:
1.  Establishing a strong relationship with school administrators and staff: This will help create a better understanding of the school’s needs, concerns, and potential threats.
2.  Conducting regular safety assessments: This will help identify potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement in school security.
3.  Implementing security protocols and training: Brandon will work with schools to develop and implement security protocols, such as visitor screening, emergency drills, and active shooter response training.
4.  Increasing law enforcement presence: Where risks are higher, Brandon will increase law enforcement presence on school campuses, such as through patrols or dedicated school resource officers.
5.  Enhancing communication and coordination with local emergency responders: This will ensure a quick and coordinated response in case of an emergency situation at the school.
6.  Encouraging community involvement: Brandon will work with community members, parents, and local businesses to promote school safety and foster a sense of responsibility and vigilance in the community

The youth of our community is our greatest resource for Tuscola County. It’s time for our Sheriff to be visible and accessible to the care and protection of our school systems. The sheriff’s department needs to visit and train for any situation that could arise in any school in our county. This training should be done side-by-side with parents, teachers, students, and administration. We should never be uninformed and uneducated on the safety of our youth.

2nd Amendment

Preserving 2nd Amendment Rights

As sheriff Brandon will preserve 2nd Amendment rights in Tuscola County by taking the following actions:

  1. Ensuring compliance with the Constitution: Brandon is well-versed in the Constitution, particularly the 2nd Amendment, and will ensure that local laws and policies do not infringe upon the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms.
  2. Educating the community: Brandon will educate the community about their rights under the 2nd Amendment, as well as the importance of responsible gun ownership and safe firearm handling practices.
  3. Opposing unconstitutional laws: If unconstitutional laws or restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights are proposed or enacted, Brandon will voice opposition and work to have them repealed or struck down.
  4. Protecting citizens’ rights during emergencies: In the event of an emergency, Brandon will ensure that citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights are not suspended or violated.
  5. Maintaining a balance between public safety and 2nd Amendment rights: While preserving 2nd Amendment rights, Brandon will prioritize public safety by focusing on individuals who pose a threat to the community, rather than targeting law-abiding gun owners.
  6. Brandon will partner with schools and local gun clubs sponsoring skeet and trap teams for both Youth and Adults.

As sheriff Brandon will uphold the Constitution and maintain public safety by working to preserve 2nd Amendment rights in Tuscola County.

Sheriff's Posse

Reinstating Sheriff's Posse

Under my protection, the Sheriff’s posse will be reinstated. Beyond that, I will look to them for guidance and advice at the many difficult situations facing our community. Residents of Tuscola County will be encouraged to join and attend regularly held meetings supported by my administration. The Sheriff’s Posse is a great resource comprised of volunteers across the county that I can call upon to help and assist in any situation from a missing child to a natural disaster. Joining the Sheriff’s Posse is a great public service and in doing so will empower the citizens of this community.

Property Rights

Preserving Our Rights

As sheriff Brandon will protect property owners from unjust property seizures or eminent domain abuse by taking the following actions:

  1. Ensuring compliance with the Constitution: Brandon is well-versed on the 5th Amendment, and will ensure that local laws and policies do not infringe upon the rights of property owners.
  2. Monitoring eminent domain cases: Brandon will monitor eminent domain cases in the county, ensuring that the process is fair and transparent and that property owners are fairly compensated for their land.
  3. Providing legal support: If property owners feel their rights are being violated, Brandon will provide legal support or refer them to an attorney who specializes in property rights cases.
  4. Educating the community: Brandon will educate the community about their rights as property owners and the importance of protecting their property from unjust seizures or eminent domain abuse.


Illegal immigration

Tackling Illegal Immigration

As sheriff, Brandon would assure Tuscola County residents that tackling illegal immigration is an essential priority, while also respecting the legal immigration process and migratory agricultural workers. As sheriff, Brandon will address illegal immigration by:
Enforcing state and local laws: Brandon will use his authority to enforce relevant laws, including those concerning immigration and border security.
Collaborating with federal authorities: While primarily operating at the state and local levels, Brandon will work alongside federal agencies like Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to coordinate efforts and exchange information on immigration matters.
Prioritizing public safety: Brandon will focus on individuals who threaten community safety, regardless of their immigration status, ensuring a fair and impartial approach to law enforcement for all Tuscola County residents.
Brandon will maintain a just and impartial approach to law enforcement, focusing on the safety and well-being of all residents in Tuscola County.
Liberties & freedoms

Safeguarding Individual Freedoms

To safeguard individual liberties and freedoms, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, Brandon will:

  1. Uphold the Constitution: Brandon is well-versed in the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights, and will ensure that local laws and policies do not infringe upon the rights of citizens to express their beliefs and opinions.
  2. Protect the rights of protesters: If citizens choose to exercise their right to assemble and protest, Brandon will ensure their safety and protect them from harassment or violence.
  3. Educate the community: Brandon will educate the community about their rights under the Constitution, as well as the importance of respecting the rights of others to express their beliefs and opinions.
  4. Work with other law enforcement agencies: Brandon will collaborate with local police departments, state agencies, and federal organizations to share information and coordinate efforts on cases involving individual liberties and freedoms.

By focusing on upholding the Constitution and safeguarding individual liberties and freedoms, Brandon will help maintain a just and fair society.