comparison of counties

With and Without a Constitutional Sheriff


What Difference Does A Constitutional Sheriff Make in a County?

Many may remember  the Andy Griffith Show as the good ole days when common sense prevailed. But in today’s “anything goes” mentality, we see people going to jail for using a wrong pronoun, and children being groomed by sexually explicit content in the children’s section of the library under the guise of not censoring books. Meanwhile criminals are let loose in the streets and those who try to defend themselves are arrested.  Is there any way to bring common sense back to our county where our constitutional rights are protected? Below are five  scenarios comparing life in a county with and without a Constitutional Sheriff.  It’s time to look at the possibilities because our lives will look very different if we don’t elect the right people to serve us


In a county with a constitutional sheriff, law enforcement is focused on upholding the rights of the citizens and ensuring public safety. In the county without a constitutional sheriff, law enforcement may prioritize revenue generation through traffic citations or other means, potentially leading to a perception of unfair treatment among the public.


With a constitutional sheriff in place, citizens have an additional layer of accountability for local government actions. In the county without a constitutional sheriff, there may be less oversight of government activities, potentially leading to increased corruption or unchecked power.esults.


In a county with a constitutional sheriff, property rights are more likely to be respected and upheld. In the county without a constitutional sheriff, there could be a higher risk of eminent domain abuse or excessive taxation.


A county with a constitutional sheriff may prioritize the protection of civil liberties, such as freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. In the county without a constitutional sheriff, these liberties may be more vulnerable to infringement by local government or law enforcement.


A county with a constitutional sheriff may have a more engaged and collaborative relationship with the community, fostering trust and cooperation between law enforcement and citizens. In the county without a constitutional sheriff, this relationship may be less developed, potentially leading to tensions or distrust.


A county where the sheriff maintains election integrity will experience a smoother, more transparent, and more trustworthy electoral process, while a county where the sheriff is not involved in maintaining election integrity will likely have less transparency, lower public confidence, and higher risk of conflicts.